Selling on Amazon Internationally


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Selling on Amazon Internationally

Dave Hamrick January 14, 2021 Entrepreneurship, Selling on Amazon Sharing is

Dave Hamrick

January 14, 2021

Entrepreneurship, Selling on Amazon

Sharing is caring!

Ecommerce underwent an incredible surge in 2020 as consumers shifted from shopping in-store to online. By the end of the year, 74% of consumers believed the majority of consumer shopping would happen online in the future — up from 69% just months earlier. This and other trends indicate that 2021 holds immense potential for ecommerce entrepreneurs.

In order to provide all the information sellers need to succeed with their Amazon ventures—from launch, to first sale, to growth and scaling—we’ve updated our content for 2021.

Interested in starting an ecommerce business? Our guide to selling on Amazon will teach you everything you need to know.

You do not need to be living in the U.S. to be eligible to sell on Amazon's U.S. store.

In fact, of Amazon's 2.4 million third-party sellers worldwide, 83% sell in the U.S. marketplace — and 51% aren't even located in the U.S.

If you’re interested in becoming a seller on Amazon's U.S. platform, but don't live in America, this article will teach you all you need to know to get started.

Amazon's U.S. site ( is the largest e-commerce site in the world. With more than 3 billion unique visitors monthly, sees nearly three times the monthly traffic as the next largest global e-commerce site, eBay.

Amazon's U.S. site also boasts the following advantages over its international counterparts:

The only other Amazon marketplace that comes close to in size is the combined European Amazon network. However, the EU has a few more obstacles to overcome to start selling on their platform.

For example, EU sellers have to account for Value Added Tax (VAT). In the U.S., sellers collect sales tax from shoppers, which is applied after a sale is made.

However, in the EU, sellers have to add VAT earlier in the supply chain. As an added cost of goods sold, this makes pricing products competitively in the EU a little more difficult.

In addition, products sold in the EU have to cater to more than just English speakers. In the U.S., most sellers list their products in English only.

The EU, on the other hand, has marketplaces in Spain, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK. This means that their products and listings must be readable in as many as six different languages. (Of course, accommodating a broader range of languages is more inclusive and may help you reach new and different consumers; it just happens to take some additional time and effort.)

Fulfillment by Amazon is a program that allows Amazon's sellers to send and store their inventory to store in Amazon's warehouses. Once a sale is made, Amazon's employees pick, pack, and ship the goods on behalf of the sellers.

Although this service is available in every country with an Amazon marketplace, it's important to note the convenience it offers international sellers.

Without FBA, international sellers would have to ship their own goods overseas to their customers, or find third-party fulfillment options, which could be highly expensive and time-consuming.

There are very few barriers to entry to start selling on Amazon. In fact, 54% of sellers who sell in the Amazon U.S. marketplace had their businesses up and running in fewer than three months.

In addition, 64% of U.S. sellers realized a profit on Amazon in less than a year.

Currently, Amazon U.S. accepts sellers from 102 countries around the world. You can view the entire list of accepted countries in Amazon's help center.

According to Amazon, to be able to sell from one of the countries listed, a seller will need to have proof of residence in their home country as well as a valid phone number and internationally chargeable credit card.

First, make sure you have the following information handy:

After you have all the information you need to create your Amazon seller account, go to and click ‘Register now.’

In addition to the basic information mentioned above, seller candidates must complete an online step-by-step interview to determine whether or not they will need to fill out a W9 (as a U.S. taxpayer) or a W-8BEN (non-U.S. taxpayer).

It may take up to 72 hours for Amazon to review your application and give you permission to sell on Amazon. Sometimes, they may require additional information from you. Be sure to follow up with whatever Amazon needs in a timely manner.

You may already have an idea of what products you’d like to sell, but if you don't, there are great ways to learn high-demand, low-competition product opportunities in the U.S. market.

After Amazon approves you as a seller in the U.S. marketplace, you will first need to determine which business or sales model you plan to use.

These are the three most popular business models for international Amazon U.S. sellers:

While other business models exist, logistically, these three are the easiest since they all require little to no handling on your part. You can sell these types of products on Amazon without ever actually seeing the inventory yourself.

Conversely, business models like retail arbitrage require you to source the products in person, then ship those goods to Amazon — this could end up being costly.

1. Perform a search on Amazon for a product opportunity. If you are unsure of what to search for, use Jungle Scout's Opportunity Finder to help you locate killer product ideas.

2. Make sure that the product opportunity meets the following recommended criteria (the Jungle Scout Extension will help validate this information):

3. Make sure you can source the product. Once you have a product that you’re interested in selling on Amazon, make sure you can source it. Use Jungle Scout's Supplier Database or Alibaba to find a manufacturer or supplier.

In order to receive the shipping destination and FBA warehouse that you will be sending the product to you will have to create your listing on Amazon. While creating the perfect listing on Amazon is an art and science unto itself, here are some basics:

In order to import your item into the U.S., you will need a customs broker to get your product into the country (unless you ship via air like UPS, DHL, or FedEx, in which case it is included as a service).

Your customs broker will guide you through the exact process of clearing your shipment, including the requisite paperwork, documentation, taxes, and more. This is perhaps the least enviable aspect of selling on Amazon's U.S. store, but something that all importers have to go through.

We recommend using a customs broker like Flexport, which handles all the customs, freight forwarding, and inventory storage for you. You can find alternative customs brokers with a quick Google search for contact details and reviews.

Your customs broker can check your samples for you and let you know whether or not they are the exact products you specified when sourcing from your supplier.

Similar to checking samples, your customs broker can review the quality of your products. There are also third-party quality assurance companies that can inspect and grade the products before they reach Amazon's fulfillment centers.

These companies can check the quality during production as well, which allows you to address any major production issues early in the process.

Before Amazon can receive your inventory, your products must be prepped, which includes having FNSKUs and other proper labeling.

In addition, if your product requires assembly not possible from your supplier, a third-party fulfillment prep center can assist with this. All of this can help you avoid additional fees from Amazon.

Amazon charges two kinds of fees for storage: monthly and long-term. So, if you have products that sell slowly, those fees can add up, especially if those products are oversized. Not to mention, Amazon provides storage limits for sellers based on their inventory health.

In either circumstance, you might consider storing your products with your custom broker if that's a service they offer.

Bottom line: Amazon is a great opportunity to start a business. And if you’re going to sell on Amazon, definitely sell in the U.S.

Although there may be a few easy-to-overcome obstacles for you to consider as a non-U.S. resident, once you’re past them, the benefits can't be beat. You’ll have access to Amazon U.S.'s 2 billion monthly customers, extensive fulfillment network, and powerful research data.

Get started today!

Sharing is caring!

Dave Hamrick

Dave Hamrick is an entrepreneur and has been an Amazon seller since 2015. He shares his Amazon sales knowledge as a professional writer and social media influencer. Dave lives in Norman, Oklahoma with his wife, Tracy, son, Jack, and a whole mess of pets.

local_offer Tags: Entrepreneur, Selling on Amazon

Hi, can I open the account only using my passport? The issue is that my national ID has no expiration date, so I wonder if my passport will do.

Also, I have a regular customer Amazon account, in the top menu I see the sell option which takes me to the page to become an amazon seller, is there something I should worry about here? Should I create an FBA account that is not related to my customer account?

Thank you for your help


Yes, you can use your passport. You can use the same email or your seller account but if you want to keep things separate, use a new email just for the seller account.

I am from trinidad and Tobago, and my country is not listed as one of the countries that can benefit from amazon fba programme. How do I work around that?

If your country is not listed, then you cannot create a seller account from that country.

I have mobile accessories company in DubaiI want to sell my product on amazon US.Kindly guide


We have many guides and YouTube videos on how to get started selling on Amazon.

Hello sir,I wanted to ask you if it is an option to sell digital files for downloading on Amazon?


No, you cannot sell digital files.

Thanks for the detailed article, but I come from Uganda, is it possible for me to sell on Amazon. Because Uganda is not listed among the countries that are allowed to sell. Thank you.


If it is listed as a country you cannot sell from, then you won't be able to create an account.

hijust one questionI live outside of the us and my country is registered on the country's that can sell in the us marketplacedo I need a company in the us or is it fine to just open a company in my country ?


No, you don't need a company in the US.

Hi Dave,

I successfully registered our Kenyan based business on Kenya is listed as one of the 102 eligible countries.I am now trying to link a deposit method, but Kenya is not on the list for "Bank Location".

According to Amazon help pages I cannot "receive payment to a bank account that is not listed in the "Bank Location" drop-down menu – Only the countries and regions that are present in the "Bank Location" drop-down menu from the Deposit Methods page are supported."

Of 102 countries listed as eligible, only 50 show up on the bank location drop down menu. What is the solution for the other countries? Is it by linking a Payoneer account?


Hi Fabian,

Yes, if your location is not listed in the drop-down, your best bet will be to use a Payoneer account.

Hello sirI wanna sell the brand product in USA as wholesalers. But I am from Pakistan. My question is :1. Do I need USA LLC for selling on USA.2. Do I need USA bank account.3. Can you recommend me that Which one will best : privet label or wholesale.4 . my passport name is Fahim Iqbal and my bank account name Faheem Iqbal its make problem for me.

Please sir answer all of my questions.Thank you in advance

Hi Fahim,

First, you need to open up a US Seller Account. Go through the steps and see what Amazon requires from you. You do not need an LLC or USA bank account to sell on Amazon but you may need an LLC and other business licenses to purchase products at a wholesale cost. Private label products will likely be your best bet on Amazon.

Hello sirI wanna sell the brand product in USA as wholesalers. But I am from Bangladesh. My question is that :1. Do I need USA LLC for selling on USA.2. Do I need USA bank account.3. Can you recommend me which website is best for getting brand products as cheaper price .4. Can you recommend me that Which one will best : privet label or wholesale.

Please sir answer all of my questions.Thank you in advance

Hi Azhar,

1. No, you don't2. No, you don't3. That you will need to figure out on your own. It is not possible to give you one website to buy wholesale products from–every seller has their own sources and will likely not give them up.4. For you, I recommend private label launching your own product versus selling another brand.


I am currently an seller in UAE market.Recently, my US account got approved and I wanted to know if I would be able to benefit from the FBA services when selling my items from UAE to USA .And what should be done as am lost.

Hi Fairuz,

Yes, as long as you send your products to a US FBA fulfillment center. Once your products are in the US, you just need to focus on selling your products and Amazon will handle the logistics.

Hi , I have an issue and opened multiple cases already with amazoni have UAE LLC company and i have joined Amazon USA account with UAE LLCbut it requires account verificationand when i try to verify i do not see United Arab Emirates in the country drop down

1- Can i sell on amazon USA with UAE LLC company?2- Can i Create Amazon USA seller account with UAE LLC ?

Hi Syed,

I am not sure why you’re not able to verify your account. Sellers from UAE are allowed to sell on Amazon US.

I live in Lebanon, and I’m opening a seller central USA account using my info, i found all that was needed in the settings except the "Official Registered Address" does not have Lebanon as a country. What can i do?

Hi Mohamad,

If your country is not listed as an Amazon-approved country, you cannot open an account from that country, unfortunately.

Hello, my friend and I are present in the Amazon french marketplace.

We would like to sell to the US market. is that fesable? how can we do it?

I truly hope you can answer my question and guide us through it.Thank you!

Hi Michel,

Yes, you can sell in the US from France. Your first steps would be to create an Amazon account in the US and to figure out what the requirement are — such as taxes and regulations. Then you would ship your inventory to an Amazon FBA warehouse in the US, the same way you would in France.

Hello Brian,

I have an active Amazon seller account on amazon USA but yesterday i received an a email from Hyperwallet will shut down soon. Im looking for another payout method or system for Non Us-resident ( from turkey have an active seller account on amazon turkey also ). I see a lot of problems about payooneer so which payout method do you prefer?

Thanks for help.Keep it up the good work !

Hi Ali,

Please check out this help page on Amazon:

I believe this will help solve your issue!

Thanks Dave for this information..

Hello guys. I want to use for shipping to send my inventory from China to US. Can you tell me if i need an EIN number for this? or the guys from the freight forwarder will handle this? I am not an US citizen. Thank you very much!


Yes, you will. I suggest contacting Freightos to find out all the requirements needed to ship from China to the US.

I’m based in Zambia. I noticed that it's not listed as a country I can sell from in the USA(as a seller) . How can I be assisted? Is there any chance of this changing soon?

Hi Shakir,

Unfortunately, if your country is not listed, you will not be able to sell on Amazon from that country.

UAE isnt listed in seller countries. Can you confirm whether we can create seller account in uae or can we ship from uae?

Hi Hassam,

If it is not listed as an approved country according to Amazon, then no.

If I sell as an individual type and selling wholesale, and I am living outside of USI want to open a New amazon account and sell on US Marketplace

shall I have to provide the below-listed points?

1- shall I have LLC registration? how I can do it online?2-Shall I have a Physical address? or virtual address for amazon verification?3-shall I Open a Us bank account?4-sim card?5-website for wholesale?6- how to create Tax ID ?


Hi Ahmad,

You are able to sell on the US marketplace from another country. You do not need an LLC or US bank account. You can use Amazon's currency convertor to convert your sales in your local countries currency.


Are invoices for products shipped from outside the United States billed to Amazon?

Hi Matt,

Not sure what you mean by this question.


I’m from the US but living in Singapore.for a few years. I want to start selling used books but I imagine the shipping costs to the US must be insane. Any advice or just bite the bullet and pay the high cost

hi i live in bahrain can i know if i can start selling from amazon from bahrain


Bahrain is not currently accepted to register for selling on Amazon.

Can I sell from Kuwait?


Yes, you can.

Hi. Thankyou for your article.Im living in Thailand and am thinking about selling products to the US.Im still a little confused as to what the benefit of amazon fulfillment centers are in terms of keeping inventory.If i can use international companies like fedex to mail directly to customers, what would be the perks of using the fulfilment center and fba as an alternati r. I am unable to proceed with fixing my price as I am not sure what my logistics related cost would be. Any help/advice would be very much appreciated. Thankyou

Hi Kay,

The benefit of using FBA versus a third party fulfillment center is you are able to provide your customers with two-day prime shipping and your listings will display the "Prime" badge. They will also handle most of the customer service when your inventory is stored in an Amazon warehouse.


A recently retired physician and qualified phytotherapist, living in France wonder whether it would be possible to sell on Amazon my herbal tinctures, produced in France, coming in glass bottles and containing various amounts of alcohol (organic ethanol)? I would be considering UPS for shipment…

Kind regards,

Jean-Jacques OFFENBACH

Hello Jean,

Yes, you will be able to sell your products on Amazon. Make sure you double-check within Amazon's terms to be certain you do not need any certifications.

Hi Davegone through your article . I am a non resident in the US . i opened my LLC and all other necessary legal requirements to open up my account on Amazon but due to Covid -19 i had to leave US before starting .How can i operate my Amazon account as a sole proprietor while im outside US .?do i have to nominate anybody who can handle Amazon account on my behalf?

Your kind support would be very helpfull

Hi Umer,

You can manage your US seller account from outside the US.

If I have account on then, can I creat account on my details? If not then, how can I sell in Aus and canada? Plz explain

Hi Moona,

For Amazon Canada, you can use your seller account to set that up. With other countries, you’ll need to create new seller accounts.

Why is the Bahamas not on the International list of sellers?

Hi Raquel,

Not sure, this is what Amazon has written in its terms.

I want to sell on from India.I want to know other than my country tax id (GST), is there any other tax id's i need to start dropshipping on

Hi pranav,

You should be ok with that. I would double-check with Amazon.

Hi, quick question please:I am an Australian, selling on Amazon US using professional account. I am to change that to under my company's name (Australian of course). Before I hit the road, any advice so I don't mess up? Summary of procedure?Many thanks


Do you mean to change your Amazon store name?

Hi i am selling on amazon japan, can i open another USA seller account?

Hi Gannu,

Yes, you will be able to open a US seller account.

Hello Team,

I want to become a amazon sellar in USA ( I am a resident of India. Kindly tell me what are the documents, Licences are required to become sellar on and start this business ?

Hi Ajay,

My advice here is to just start opening up an account and see what Amazon requires from you.

Hi, I am wondering if as a non resident alien I can print a book in the US and send it to an FBA warehouse. I am considering bypassing all the freight hassle and save some money. It would be even "made in US" 🙂

Hi Oscar,

Yes, you can do that!

I’m from Jordan ( a country which is allowed to sell on amazon FBA ,but I’m living in Saudi Arabia ( a country which is not allowed to sell on amazon FBA), how can I creat a seller account, and can I use my address, saudi bank account, phone number, and utility bill in Saudi Arabia, or I have to use my jordanian one.

In that case, you will need to use your Jordanian one.

Thanks! but I will I be able to sell on USA Amazon from Europe, if my address is from Europe? also my postal code and so on. I got struggled right there, can't go through.

Yes, you will be able to create an Amazon US account from Europe.

I would like to know If I can send products from Costa Rica to US Amazon warehouse? The business operated in United States. Who can I speak with ?

Great article by the way, very helpful

Yes, you can do that. I suggest looking for a freight forwarder who can help you get your products from Costa Rica to an FBA warehouse.

Hi, So I currently live with my family in the UK & I also have a registered company here. I am wondering if this would be an issue setting up a Seller Account in the USA means I want to sell in the USA marketplace.

kindly guide me on what documents would be needed

Thanks in Advance


Yes, you will be able to set up an account in the US. Start the sign-up process and Amazon will let you know everything they require from you.

Hi, If i already have made seller account in US and move to UAE. Can i still use that account for selling in uae?Thanks


I live in South Africa and my country is not one of the 102 that are accepted for seller registration in the USA.

I have a LLC with EIN registered in Delaware, a virtual US address where I can receive mail and a US toll-free number that relays to South Africa, but does not receive SMS messages.

Would it be possible to open a Business Account?

Hi Edmund,

If you have a US address and LLC, you shouldn't have a problem opening an account.

Hi, Thank you for your article! I would like to know what information needs to be printed on the product packaging for a game. I was told so far:Manufacturer: name, address, tel.Importer: name, address, tel.Made in ChinaIs there anything else that needs to be printed?Also, I live in Israel and we are shipping to Amazon USA from China. Can I put a non-US address and telephone on the packaging of each game?Thanks,Jennifer

Hi Jennifer,

You can find all the information you are looking for on Amazon's packaging and prep requirements page.

Two queries….1.I’m an Indian and I would like to procure my product from srilanka and sell it in European unionIs it possible if so guide the procedure.

2.Opening bank account-which account will be feasible and I want to avoid the currency exchange rates.pls guide so

Hi, So I am a US Citizen who has a US address at my parents house in CA. I currently live with my wife and daughter in Cambodia. I am wondering if this would be an issue setting up a Seller Account from here in Cambodia? Would I use my US address or my Cambodian address? I use my US address for everything, but I am worried because the only docs I get that have my CA address on it would be my tax returns, banking statements and rental insurance.

Is this okay?

Hi Joshua,

You should be ok with using your CA address. Go through the process and see if they require anything else.


We have registered a seller central account on from Mauritius, we are bit confused about the shipping process.

We wish to ship the orders directly from Mauritius to the customer destination, how to go about that, please guide.


Hi Sandeep! Thanks for asking about this, as you’ll want to go with Fulfillment by Merchant (instead of Fulfillment by Amazon) if you plan to ship directly from Mauritius to the customer. For that reason, I recommend reading the following. It should give you the information you need to get started:

How to Sell & Ship Your Own Products with Amazon FBM

Hi DaveIf I am located in country not acceptable to amazon, can my llc register successfully as a seller?I have been trying to obtain clarity from amazon support, but their best answer was to go through the registration and follow the process!I do not wish to go through all the trouble of setting up business and llc in the US, and then amazon deny the seller account halfway through the registration process!BestAnton

This is a tough one, Anton. From what I’ve read, registering as a seller if you don't live in an Amazon-accepted country (even if your LLC is located in the US) can be extremely difficult. Here's an Amazon forum thread I found on the subject (; hopefully it will give you the clarity you’re looking for.

Thank you for the reply , Regan. This is their last reply but, to me, it is still open to clarification:

"Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,I understand you want to know if the LLC owner is required to be a citizen in one of the listed countries when registering.In this case, I’d like to clarify two points.1. If the LLC Owner is going to manage the Seller Central account, with their own credentials, then they must be registering under their name and yes, they must have a citizenship in one of the listed countries to be able to register.2. If the LLC Owner will not administer the Selling on Amazon account, and the Seller will be thee person to access the account and manage it, then it is not a requirement for the Owner to be resident and citizen of the listed countries, because they would not be registered in our system."

In scenario 1, are they referring to a case where the individual is registering an account in their own name (which is not my case, and therefore not applicable to me)?In scenario 2, may the LLC be considered as "the seller to access the account and manage it" (and therefore this is the scenario applicable to me, and it would appear that I am ready to go)? Or does the seller, being "the person to access the account and manage it", have to be a natural person … and resident in a listed country? Then again, they are referring to the "seller", and the seller would be the LLC and not such contact person…

So confusion reigns in Amazon support replies. I wonder why they are not direct in their replies or if they even understand my question. Then again, perhaps it is me who is in denial! What do you make of their reply?

HiMay I ask a question please?Someone lives in the Turkey is able to work in Amazon US FBA as a seller? If yes, what is the main things she needs to do ? Or which kind of documents?And in jungle scout she can find out the ways to be successful seller?

Many thanks

Absolutely, Zara. According to Amazon's list of accepted countries to sell on Amazon, if you live in Turkey you can sell on their platform (

As for what you need to do, and the the documents you need to provide, our Million Dollar Case Study (MDCS) can help you with that…along with our post on seller verification. I hope they help!

Seller verification:

Hello Guys,Thank you for the interesting article 🙂I am a French citizen based in Singapore.I have a French company (auto-entrepreneur) this status allows me to start a business on amazon in Europe but with some limitations in terms of yearly income.Unfortunately, I have no longer a valid address in France.Can I still proceed in the name of my company in France but with the address in Singapore?Thank you, and stay safe 🙂Iyad

That's a really good question, Iyad, and I’m not 100% sure of the answer. From what I’ve read, registering as a seller for a specific marketplace, if you don't have an address located in that particular country, can be extremely difficult. Here's an Amazon forum thread I found on the subject (; hopefully it will give you some clarity on this subject.

What should I do although my country Ukraine is listed as approved to sell on Amazon but not listed among the countries approved in the banking section of countries .

Hello and thank you for this article!

I am American living in France for several years. I want to test the waters withdrop shipping on Amazon USA while living in France.

I currently pay taxes in France and not in the USA although I am required to filemy taxes with the IRS every year.

My question is, if I am registered as a sole proprietor as a seller in the American market,to which country do I pay income taxes on any revenue generated?

I am not sure at this time about registering as an LLC.



EU Seller central account. EU business adres.iIt looks like Amazon is charging a VAT on the referral fee. Referral fee is 15% for self fullfilment.The Tax that is charged is about 21% on this 15% Referral fee. VAT in my country is 21%.

How to get rid of this VAT on referral fee? (Can not get reimbursement for this kind of VAT through our EU VAT system)

I have done some research;-File my EU VAT number in settings under VAT information. Would this be a solution?

– File a USA business address. Would this be a solution?(Shipping address is allrady our warehouse in Texas.)

Thanks Greg for Looking into this.Have a nice day.


I have a bank account in the US. I want to sell online directly from another country (not using Amazon) using either PayPal or Stripe. Is it possible to set up these payment gateways using my US bank account, though I am actually doing business from outside the country? I understand payment would be required in US dollars.

This was really helpful, thanks a lot

Dear JungleScout,

I admire all the work you do in order to help people start their FBA business.

I am writing to you because I do not know where else to find the answer for my question, I have been through lots of threads, forums, youtube videos, etc…

I am a European citizen and with my friend want to start business via Amazon FBA. We formed a legal entity (LLC) in our domestic state and we very much desire to know how we can now start selling.

I have read so far that I do not need to form a US LLC and it is enough to have one in my domestic state. What I do not know, though, is the way how I can export good from China to US and deliver them to Amazon Warehouse.

Somewhere in the threads I read about US registered agent which is a must in order to be able to sell as an international company, could you enlighten me about the process, please? Also how I register a seller account as a company (not individual) and bank account details.

Thank you in advance

Yours faithfullyMartin Hvězda

Hi Martin,

have you found solution? I am in similar situation and wondered if you managed to tackle this – I would be extremely grateful if you could share some insights.

Thank you!Marek Vaculčík

Hi, please am in similar situation as you . If you have found Solution I will be more than happy to learn if your willing to share. Thanks so much.


I’m planning on selling gourmet products (mint, sweet basil, etc) on Amazon. I’m from Mexico, as far as I know I have all the requierements ready what I’m missing though is the shipping carrier.

I have been looking for affordable services but the prices just go skyrocket for the quantity and sizes that I will be selling on Amazon.

Do you recommend me using a specific carrier that allows me to send my product from Mexico to USA?

To whom it may concer,

I am writing from a Spanish company and we would like to start selling products in the USA.We need a partner in the USA, or maybe and agency, which deals with all the setup of the Seller Account and to start the process. We don't want a distributor, the idea is to control our own account and the brand.

Thank you for the information.


Lorena Bernal

hanks for this invaluable information. I live in Jamaica and would love to sell on Amazon. However, Jamaica is not listed as one of the countries and currencies supported by Amazon's Currency Converter for Disbursement.

In Jamaica, our banks issue visa cards that we can use to shop anywhere in the world. I am a frequent shopper on Amazon.

Hi,I am the person also that our country is not on the list of currency converter reimbursement. Have you get your answer. If you did, please tell me how can we do the Amazon business?thank you

this article is very helpful for people who live in the listed countries but for those of us who live in countries that are not listed the info you are giving us is very misleading. Based on my level of understanding you can only sell on amazon only if your country is listed and based on the information you give us proves my understanding to be factual. so question is can you really sell on amazon from a non listed country or not? if so than I guess you saying you can sell on Amazon from anywhere in the globe is very misleading. Sorry if my comment is too aggressive but its so frustrating reading info like this and discover that you cant actually sell on amazon if your country is not listed


I’d like to know which address should I place in the Business Address field if I’m planning to start as an Amazon FBA seller (sending products directly from China to US buyers)?

The main part of my issue is that I actually live outside USA (in the Dominican Republic).

I have freight forwarder address in Miami but I don't know if it's ok to use that one…

Hey Jean,

Good question. As far as I know DR is available to sell on US. But I’m guessing that your biz address would have to be wherever your LLC/SSN is tied to.

HiI am from Jordan I want to start FBA business on Amazon using the us platform can I get training in my country to do that? please help me.. I badly need to start this business I know that there are a lot of training courses online but I would prefer one that I can attend here in Jordanthank you so much for your help

Hi Obaida,

Although I’m not certain of the things you need to do to register in Jordan, it is one of the countries that Amazon allows people to sell from.

You can learn more here:

Hi Kym,Thanks for the Article and it is wonderful for newbie like me, But i have a Questions with which i am walking here and there but not getting enough clear information. If i am sending the Product living outside the USA to amazon FBA, on that case Who is the Importer of the Product that getting into USA?2. If i am a Non US citizen and i want to Sell on Amazon FBA, if i send my inventory from China to FBA, Will the Forwarder need any types of Documents to get the item cleared from US Custom? I heard on some blogs, it may require EIN, SSN etc. but being a non US citizen i don't have either of them. In this Situation how would you help me?Thanks kym Again.

I have been selling on Amazon FBA in the UK and US from Ireland for two years.It is very straight forward to set up but it is also very important that you set up correctly from the start as Amazon doesn't allow you to change your details easily and they will automatically suspend your seller account if you try to change your details.

I learned from a UK based seller called James Greaney. He is from Ireland but he has been selling on Amazon UK and USA since 2013. He shares lots of helpful tips on his Youtube channel Internetbizuni and I hired him to teach me the process when I first got started.

This is how you can sell on Amazon FBA from Ireland:Use a UK LTD company.Send your products to a prep centre in Northern Ireland and from there to Amazon FBA via low cost delivery service UPS.

Make sure to give your correct bank and company details from the start as they are hard to change later.

I from and I live in Kuwait if i want to sell in Amazon , can i establish an LLC American company ( set up an LLC and a US bank account) thereafter I can register in amazon fba and i can sell?if yes , can i use my amazon account to sell in US from my home in Kuwait ? i mean IP from Kuwait or i must be in USA to use my amazon fba account?

OR is there a way can I sell products on UK/USA or even in Europe in case i am in Kuwait?

Hi ealmk,

Unfortunatley, it doesn't look like you can sell on Amazon from Kuwait:

You might contact Amazon or an Amazon legal expert to see what you can do.

i Live in Jamaica want to sell on Amazon Globaly can i use a US address to do so

Hey Stephen!

I’m not sure about that one. You might check with Amazon directly to see the process for selling from Jamaica. But as far as I know, Jamaica is on the list of available countries.

Great article. So if I understand it correctly a European company could offer their stuff on If so, would you know where to find them? I am working for Mturk and only getting a voucher as payment. Since I am based in Ireland I was hoping to find a European company on amazon that I can avoid the crazy fees. Maybe you would have an idea? Thanks in advance

Hii live in Texas and my husband live in Africa, my husband is book writer and he wants to designate me to sell his books on Amazon using my account in USA. Is any there any possibility in this. Please your advice is highly needed. Thanks

Hi Debby,

I recommend doing digital sales first. You can do that through Kindle Direct Publishing. You can also create made-to-order physical copies of his books through CreateSpace. Hope that's helpful!


Many great products from the USA are in high demand in Cambodia. There are abundant of sellers are selling online and shipped to Cambodia. The prices are quadruple when it is shipped to Cambodia. My question to you if Amazon can open a warehouse in Cambodia and the cost will a lot less but greater profits for Amazon. Plus it can be also be shipped neighboring Asian countries. This will bring big business for Amazon. If and you decided to move forward with the business I can provide you with security and guaranteed from the Cambodia's Prime Minister. Please let me know who I can contact. I am looking forward to hear from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration. Much blessings!

Brandon Mam

Hi thereWe live in Georgia so I don't access a bank account that Amazon approved it. because Amazon doesn't support my country.What should I do??

Hi there,

Unfortunately we can't provide any advice in this area. There are plenty of sellers in our Facebook community that have experience with this so it's worth joining and seeking advice from the community.

Many thanks,Kym

Hello! Am Gift from Zambia. I want to start selling on amazon but my country is not included in the disbursement list. Is there any other way around this problem apart from opening a bank account in the U.S.?

Hi Gift,

Unfortunately, we’re not sure. You might seek some legal advice on this matter or contact Amazon directly and speak with one of their reps. They may be able to help.

Hello, I am already selling on Amazon EU market. Now i want to start selling in US market. I have electric products like beamer lights and other sets of lights. In European markets, I have a very good ranking. Can you guide how can I get FCC for electric products? and how can I check which products need FCC? I have CE certificate for all my products.


Myself Laila. I am from Portugal. Also, I am very much interested to sell on Amazon FBA.Now I need some information about this business and how can I get into it. Also, can I sell products on UK/USA or even in Europe?I will be highly appreciated if I will get some important data to start my next step.


Hey Laila,

This video and guide can help you get started:

Hello JS team & community,

I have just purchased a jungle scout web app (which is fantastic) and I am in a process of doing a product research as i would like to start selling on Amazon in US.

I am based in Europe and struggeling now to understand what is the process of setting up a legal entity in US in order to pay tax there and to create an Amazon seller account.

I understand that i do not need to set up a company in order to start Amazon FBA, but rather only obtain tax number or something of that sort.

Could you kindly advise on what is really needed to set up some sort of entity or register myself with local authorities in US in order to start selling and paying taxes. I would appreciate if you reply directly or point me to any potentially usefull source of information.

Thank you very much for your help.


Hey Ondra,

We have an awesome post that answers all of these questions here:

Highly recommend giving the video a watch. Hope this helps you out on your journey. Good luck 🙂Kym


I intend on signing up with Jungle Scout to become a Amazon Seller.

However I am concerned, I am a resident of Zimbabwe, a country not accepted for seller registration on Amazon.

Countries accepted for seller registration

I have access to a US bank account via Payoneer.

Am I able to sell on Amazon FBA?


Hey Tapi,

We can't give any advice on particular situations like this, but you can check in with the residents of our Facebook Group who might be able to help or share personal experiences.

Many thanks,Kym

Hi!I’m looking for information about how to sell in USA to Italy; I’m a private, I have not a company; Amazon support told me that it's possible and I have to ship my products by UPS or DHL etc. Reading the Greg post I see that he uses these services; I wrote to UPS but they told me that they can't manage my shipping with FBA because I’m a private…I wrote again to Amazon and this is the answer: "you are able to ship units from Italy to Amazon US warehouse by using non Amazon partnered carrier. You have to list Amazon as the Ultimate Consignee and use Samuel Shapiro & Company, Inc. for customs clearance services and abide by its guidelines" Ok, but if I use non Amazon partnered carrier it's impossible to use the FBA services, isn't it? I feel like I’m in a loop, sorry! Another solution: I have friends in USA, maybe I can send the products to them and they can ship to FBA . What do you think about? Thank you!

Hey Giuliana,

It's difficult to diagnose the issue you face from the outside and without any experience of importing from Italy to the US. I would recommend checking in with the residents of our Facebook Group to see if anyone has any similar experience and can help you out.

Many thanks,Kym

HI!I’m linving in Italy and I’d like to sell on , in USA, as private seller ; I wrote email to Amazon, I read a lot on internet, ok, it’ s possible BUT If you have not a company it's impossible to use the FBA services; I asked UPS if the can manage the shipment for me with FBA but they say it's impossible for private account. So, I’m thinking to send my products to some friends in USA, they could manage the shipment directly there with FBA; do you think is it possible to use my credit card and bank account for the exspenses? I don't like to bother my friends. Thanks for any tips!

Hey Giuliana,

As I understand this, your products are manufactured or already situated in Italy? You want to ship them to Amazon in the US and sell them on

Ultimately, you can sell your products on Amazon FBA so long as you have a seller central account and are able to ship them to a fulfillment center (and meet all of Amazon's requirements of course). There may be specific requirements for your particular product, or your location that I am not aware of. You could try asking in our Facebook group, to see if anyone has particular experience with your issue.

Hope you are able to figure it out soon!Kym


I want to be a seller on from outside the US. From the information provided, I understand that an international credit card is necessary to set up a sellers account. My native country is one among the Amazon sell countries but I have an international debit card with a local bank! Is that acceptable during registration or should it mandatorily be a credit card?

Hi Amy,

I’m not actually sure on this one. I know that in the US the term "credit card" is often universally used to mean any bank card, so a debit card may also be accepted. It's very common in other parts of the world not to use credit cards and only debit cards.

You could always try registering with your debit card to see if it's accepted.

Let us know how you get on 🙂


Hay Kym-Can I create a selling store in amazon while living in Portugal.

please tel I want to sell on amazon buti live in portugal

Hey Shoaib,

Absolutely, the guidance in this article is about how you can sell in the US on from other parts of the world.

You can also check out this case study for an in-depth guide on getting started selling in Europe:

Good luck on your selling journey 🙂


It is actually misleading to say people can "Sell on Amazon U.S. from Anywhere in the World"because even if you do setup a Payoneer account, when registering to be a seller on Amazon US you must select your home country.

Some countries i.e South Africa, Colombia, Nepal are not part of the drop down list.

Therefore people staying in those countries will not be able to complete their registration on Amazon Seller Central.

It is not enough to just setup a Payoneer Account.


My Question is…quite same as Omer mentioned above. Can anybody please help ?I want to sell on amazon BUT I live in a country that's not listed in the amazon sell countries.Is there any way i can i go around it ( e.g pay some companies or services to help me )from the bottom of my heart thank you for the information you have been giving.

Thanks and Best Regards.

Hello,My Question is… I want to sell on amazon BUT I live in a country that's not listed in the amazon sell countries.Is there any way i can i go around it ( e.g pay some companies or services to help me )from the bottom of my heart thank you for the information you have been giving.Thanks.

Thanks for this. I’m curious… does it also work the other way around? Are US sellers allowed to set up a UK Amazon seller's account? If so, how would you go about getting a UK bank account? Has anyone accomplised this?


Hey Janet,

You can set up a UK Amazon seller's account if you wish to sell in that marketplace. You can actually set up an account that you would be able to use across the European marketplaces. An alternative to setting up a bank account is to use a service like Payoneer or World First.


Hello janet, i m lucy. one of the seller but in mid level. i would recommend you to visit they are actually good at providing consultancy for managing and opening account on amazon. previously in usa and currently in uk, they are offering services. one of my natives in uk has taken services from them. now they have seen a boost in their sales. feel free to contact anytime.

hey thanks for the blog! it's super informative and helpful. I just wonder if there’re any companies out there could help out with selling to other counties? So to spare me all the trouble:(

Hi Marina,

Glad you are enjoying the blog. What exactly are you looking for as far as help? Jungle Scout supports a bunch of marketplaces–UK, Germany, Spain, Japan, Mexico, etc, so if you want to do product research for those markets, you can certainly use Jungle Scout! If you have other questions, please just email [email protected] if that doesn't answer your question.


Hello, I have payoneer but my country is not included to sell on Amazon. Is there any way around this?

Hey naeem look at payoneer, and ask them. I think no a problem



I too live in MExico and am trying to jump into this. How has it been for you? would u b able to chat? – Vero


I want to know if we can get a bank account in other countries instead of US that Amazon accepts. Such as Switzerland. And then transferring that money to my country Pakistan. Would that work?


Hey naeemkhan i hace a payoneer account, and i will Word with these. I do not live in USA,Greetens

Can we use payoneer account instead of US bank to receive payments. Would you be able to let me know please?

Hey there,

I haven't tried this personally but it seems like it would be a good option. Let us know if you find it works for you!


Hey Kym,

That is a great article. I read the whole article. It is great. I would like to ask one thing from you. It would be great if you would be able to help me. Can I use my Payoneer debit card instead of US bank account? It is also mentioned in the article that in most cases what you need is not a bank account per se, but the functions provided by a traditional bank account.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, friend.


Hey Ali,

I don't know for sure but that sounds like a great idea. Definitely worth a try. Let me know if you find this works for you!

All the best!Kym

Hey, thanks for your blog, I bought JS Pro three days ago, so I’m new to this fabulous tool. JS is inspiring me to enter the world of Amazon FBA or private label, so I am new to this world of Amazon, I only see it as an affiliate of I live in Mexico, so I would appreciate an orientation about basic courses on the use of the Amazon platform, which will tell me to step by step how; Registration, entry of products from China to warehouses, generation of lists, etc.Any information is welcome. Thank you

Hey Carlos,

Great to hear that you’re enjoying the tool & feeling inspired.

At the moment, my best advice is to follow along with our Million Dollar Case Study. We’re up to Session #13 already, but you can catch up on each session in a detailed recap here. You can also sign up for future updates on that page too.

We’re giving an over-the-shoulder look at what it takes to find, source and sell a profitable product on Amazon & we have lots of experts joining us along the way. I think you would find it very useful.

Wishing you every success!Kym

Sure, Kym that helped me a lot. But I would like to ask one more question is it feasible for an LLC to open a bank account in the US if I am not physically available in the US.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


Hey Ali,

Getting an LLC gives you the opportunity to open an account in the US. But if you are not physically in the US, I believe it is still possible, but more difficult.

I found a useful article on the subject here:

Many thanks,Kym

Great blog post!!!

If I don't have a bank that is based in one of the countries supported by Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers. Do you have any idea how would I be able to get one? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hey Ali,

If you can't use your bank account in your country then I would recommend setting up an LLC to become an Amazon seller in the US, which will allow you to get a US bank account.

Read more about this in our recent case study recap here!

Hope that helps,Kym

Thanks for the great blog! Quick question, I have a UK account as I’m based in the UK and I sell in the UK. I would like to sell in the US. Is it possible to set up another account (an American account) and sell in America?

Hey Scott,

Sure thing you can set up an account for and sell in America. We recently just covered some aspects of this in a session as part of our Million Dollar Case Study in terms of tax & legal structure too. In short, you may want to look into setting up an LLC and a US bank account – Read more here!

Thanks for reading!Kym

Thank you for your great information. I’m already sell on amazon. When I started selling on amazon, I faced the problem of ranking.Then I post my all problems share on forums, they give me lot information. One of them told me , he is an Amazon seo expert. He give me skype : seo24hour . I contact them and they rank my product top of the page in a keyword. Now , my question is that harmful for my seller account. Please help me.

Hey Frank,

It's hard to say without knowing the techniques the SEO expert will be carrying out.

It's certainly not harmful for your seller account to get your products ranking well. But perhaps you are more concerned about giving access to your seller account to third parties? Obviously this does associate an element of risk.

If you did want to spend a bit of time working on Amazon SEO yourself, we have a bunch of great resources that may help you. I’d advise checking these out: (PPC can help with ranking)

Thanks for reading,Kym

Thanks to Greg and Gen for the informative videos and Webinars.

I am a German expat living in Turkey. I never sold anything online but I am definitely willing to invest in international online selling in the USA market.

Is it possible (or allowed) to open an FBA account on amazon without having been a basic seller before?

Is a business license required to open an FBA account on

I believe it must be very difficult to sell internationaly with a basic account. Shipping coast and waiting time will make selling overseas almost impossible I guess.

Thanks in advance for helping.



Thank you for your blog post, very informative.

I live in Georgia and my country and currency is not supported by Amazon Currency Converter for Disbursement. Is there any other way I can sell my products on European Amazon? Maybe there are some intermediary companies I can use, we don't need currency converting, just intermediary bank account supported by Amazon.

I live in Canada and wish to sell imported products (from outside North America) on Amazon in the US. Is that doable at reasonable costs?

Hey Magdy,

It's definitely possible, as Greg highlights. The most difficult parts, potentially, are figuring out how to efficiently import and store products, and financials/tax. Individual circumstances will vary so Greg covered some of the top level stuff you need to get started in this article. The benefits are that Amazon U.S. is the biggest marketplace with lots of customers, so if you get it right, there's lots of opportunity.

Are you thinking of setting up to sell on Amazon U.S. this year?

Thanks for reading!Kym

Hi Greg,

Great blog post!

I’m still in the research phase of starting with FBA. I’ve learned a lot with your posts and videos so thanks for sharing such helpful info.

I see you are living in Spain. I am from the US but have been living in Sevilla for about 15 years so your post confirming that it is realistic to sell on Amazon US while living here was inspiring.

Thanks again,Marcel

p.s. What part of Spain do you live in?

Hi Marcel,

My name is Rafa. I have been selling on Amazon for a year now, only Europe for now.I live in Cordoba and I have found very interesting that someone else so close to me is trying to get set up on Amazon as well.

You can find me on The Amazing UK Seller fb group. Feel free to drop me any message if you want to.

All the best with your new journey!

BTW> Fantastic post Greg! Thanks a lot!

Hi Rafa, im Dorothy Odamea Asare. Can we chat privately so you guide me on how to sell on Amazon. im a Ghanaian. my gmail address is [email protected]

Thank you.

Hi! I Love listing to your episode's. Would love to be by your webinar but will not be able to make it, will you post it afterwards on your site?

Thank you,

T. L.

Hey T.L.,

You can try this most recent webinar for some product research help:

And you can also see all the previous videos posted on You Tube here:

Hope this helps!


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2021 Update: Make sure you have great images. The title should be informative and SEO friendly. Implement lots of great descriptions. Start selling on Amazon U.S. now